The Mechanics of Golf Swing Related Injury: A Literature Review, Synthesis and Analysis


  • Kiran D Kanwar Texas Woman's University


epidemiology, etiology, injury mechanisms, biomechanics



Introduction. This article is a three-part literature review about the mechanical basis of golf injury. Methods. A comprehensive search was made of PubMed, CINAHL Complete, ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Database, Scopus, SPORTDiscus, Physical Education Index and Google Scholar databases and of the Proceedings of the World Scientific Congresses of Golf 1990, 1994 and 1998, using relevant search terms. Results. Part 1 lists all the tissues commonly injured at each joint. Part 2 describes tissue-based etiology of injury at each joint, as conjectured by golf swing or other sports researchers. Part 3 reports an exemplar collection of relevant biomechanical data, to elucidate whether the implicated injury-causing positions, movements and loads actually do exist in the golf swing. Discussion. Typical causative mechanisms of injury at each joint/body segment are summarized. Then, based on suggestions sourced from golf injury literature, a joint-by-joint solution is described. Finally, all suggestions are compiled into recommendations for the set-up, the backswing and the downswing, to form what might be considered a “pain reducing golf swing”. Golfers of all skill levels can reduce the pain-causing movements and loads at many joints, and thus delay the onset of, or attenuate, the potential for mechanical injury.




Author Biography

  • Kiran D Kanwar, Texas Woman's University
    Kinesiology, PhD candidate.


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